Bellefonte Style Modern Pavilion White Leather Chair by LeisureMod
The Bellefonte chair was intended as a modern throne concept; a thick cushion upholstered in luxurious leather and set upon a curved metal frame in the shape of an X, a shape inspired by classical furniture. Perfectly proportioned and finished, the simple chair exudes an air of elegance and authority. The Bellefonte chair is the perfect choice for a seating option when you need to incorporate, into your space, a modern classic piece. Grouping together several chairs or mixing and matching different colors together can easily create an interesting conversation, and entertaining, area as well.
- Frame is constructed from heavy gauge 1 1/8" wide 12mm flat.
- Polished to a mirror like shine, stainless steel, and reassuringly heavy.
- Cushion is strongly supported by heavy saddle leather straps riveted to the frame.
- Top and side edges match upholstery color.
- Full grain certified leather and top quality workmanship.
- High density foam cushions upholstered by short double-layer.
- Softly padded for extreme comfort.
- Each piece is cut and hand-sewn with attentive detail.
- Buttons attached to the frame and cushions ensuring cushions stay in place, with their expressive look, while seated.